Indian Development and Economics -Top 10 Facts..

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economic development

Indian Development & Economics :-

           India's economy is a dynamic blend of agriculture, manufacturing, and services, making it one of the world's fastest-growing major economies. The services sector, particularly in IT and software services, has played a pivotal role in this growth. While agriculture remains a significant employer, the government's push for manufacturing under the "Make in India" initiative is strengthening this sector. Infrastructure development, financial inclusion, and international trade have also been on the national agenda. However, India faces challenges such as income inequality, unemployment, and regulatory complexities, which require continuous policy reforms. With a youthful population and a commitment to green initiatives, India's development journey is marked by both opportunities and challenges.
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  FACT NO .1 
population of India

 According to the 1991 census. The highest percentage population in India is to be found to be in age group of  5 to 14 years  are the highest percentage of population in India in 1991 is in the group of 5 to 14 years

  FACT NO 2 .

 Did u know which  one of the following is the true regarding the Jawahar Rozgar Yojana.(RJY) 
Under the scheme 30% of the employment generated is reserved for women. because though the people below the poverty line were the target group for employment ,the preference was to be given to the schedule castes scheduled Tribes and freed bonded Labourers thirty percent of the employment opportunities were  to be reserved for woman in rural areas...


Did u know one of the important goals of the economic Liberalisation policy is to achieve full convertibility one of Indian rupee .this is being advocated because it will attract more foreign capital in flow in India .. reason is The full convertibility of the Indian currency means that the rupees is freely exchangeable into the on the international currencies and vice versa .also this would mean that  international investors can buy and sell Indian assets at will after 1994 the rupee has been partially convertible which means that the currency is changed freely into the foreign currency for business and trade expanses .but it cannot be converted freely for acquiring overseas assets . Experts feel full convertibility rupee would facilitate growth and higher foreign investments.


In India inflation is measured by the whole sale price Index number .because whole sale price Index (WPI).is an index used by the Reserve bank of India till 2014 to measure inflation. WPI is the price of a Representive basket of wholesale goods .it takes a basket of 697 items into account and shows the combined prices the RBI ex governor Raghuram Rajan shifted to consumer price index CPI is because WPI neglects services and the bottlenecks between. A wholesale and retailer .CPI based on 260 commodities including certain services measure the change in prices at the retail level the base year of CPI is 2012.

social group

Among  the following sets of social /religious group is the extent of poverty the highest as per government statistics for the nineties is tribals in Bihar and Orissa and M.P and Maharashtra. due to according to the recent data made available by central statistical organization the incidence of poverty is the highest in tribes Bihar ,Orissa 
,And Madhya Pradesh...


Did u know persons below the poverty line in India are classified as such based wheather is they are entitled to a minimum prescribed food basket.. Because Till 2011 India used to define the poverty line based on a method defined by a Tasi fore in was based on expenditure for buying food worth 2400 calories in rural areas and 2100 calories in urban areas.
In 2011 the Suresh Tendulkar comitte defined the poverty line on the basis of monthly spending on food education. health , electricity and transport. nhowever this has also faced criticism. The NDA government has now constituted a 14 members task force NITI Aayogs vice chairman arvind nagariya to with recommendation for a realistic poverty line 


One of the reasons for India's occupational structure remaining more or less the same over the year has been that investment pattern has been directed towards capital intensive industries...Because our economic planners are not emphasizing development of small scale industries in their plan strategies.

Amuhutya Kumar Sen

The first Indian state to have its human development report prepared by Amartya kumara Sen in Delhi is Madhya Pradesh . Madhya Pradesh was the first state to have calculated Human Development report in 1995 under the guidance of proof. Amartya Sen ...

Economic planning

The prices at which the government purchased food grains for maintaining the public distribution system and for building up buffer stock is known as procurement prices .. Because procurement prices is the support price at which the government will buy whatever quantum farmers wants to sell to the government in the event of private traders not buying the product. This is done to give a fair price to the farmer and to create buffer stock of food grains to meet public distribution system requirements....

FACT NO 10 .

All revenues received by the union Government by way of taxes and other receipts for the conduct of government business are credited to the consolidated fund of India. Due to under article 266 (1) of the constitution of India all revenues (example tax revenue from personal income tax corporate income tax customs and excise duty as well as non tax revenue such as License fees dividend and profit from public sector undertakings.) Received by the union Government as well as loans raised by issue of treasury bills Internal  and external loans and all money's received by the union Government and repayment of all loans shall from a consolidated fund ....

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